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Written by Brian Pacheco, Photo by Kien Quan


The world is not the same place as it was 20 years ago. In today's society, influence has monetary value and we now have the power to build the reach and influence of breaking. With the growth of social media and the internet, all arts are growing at a RIDICULOUS rate and it’s up to us to get in on the gold rush.



From the original YouTuber, Nigahiga or the trick shot geniuses at Dude Perfect, ridiculous crafts that all of our parents called a waste of time are now CAREERS! How many times have you been told that video games were a waste of time? Well, now there are children making MILLIONS playing video games. The world’s perception of entertainment and value is constantly changing and there is now an audience for EVERYTHING. YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Podcasting, and now TikTok, the new TV channels are out there and we all have access to broadcast our content, so why wait?



Dyzee Diaries, Nico Spins, Team Monster, Red Bull BC All-Stars, and more have already opened the door. I had the honor of interviewing Nico Spins in the Don’t Hide the Mic Podcast, and I can tell you first hand that this individual is on his way to changing the breaking game. How? Reach and Influence. Currently running at over 68,000 followers, Nico has the reach that most small companies would DREAM of. This started with the 365 Project, but it does not end there. Nico now is looking to tap into new projects to expand his audience and create new opportunities for the breaking world.



The simple answer is to look at how Monster, Redbull, A.fatti, and all these other companies are sponsoring events. Influence and reach have monetary value to companies looking to get their products to new audiences. If we make our dance reach thousands and thousands of more people, companies will want to get in the action and sponsor us. With us holding the audience, WE DETERMINE OUR VALUE.



Grow your following, and that may take more than merely posting dance videos. Nico built his following through the 365 Project, Dyzee through advice and news on the breaking community, Issei through making massive moves in the breaking scene. There are different roads to take and building a following may require you to pave a brand new road. One thing is certain, what we do is phenomenal to the average person and we must use our wow factor to our advantage. So, how do we start? Kick fear and doubt in the face, begin making content, and start paving our new road as dancers with value.



This new world of reach and influence belongs to content creators of all kinds and we as dancers have the opportunity to enter this industry. Dancers are one of the most notable and undervalued artists in history, however, some in the game are already showing how valuable

we really are and it's up to us to follow in these footsteps. Reach and influence is everything, with the power to send messages to a large audience comes value; value that we can use to change the entire dance world. Start TODAY, build your following, reach out to sponsors and grow our value. We are dancers and we are worth what we say we are worth.

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